About Us
History of York Area United Fire and Rescue
An Ad-Hoc Committee was created on June 22, 2004, by the Springettsbury Township Board of Supervisors and Spring Garden Township Board of Commissioners. The committee members consisted of Austin Hunt, William Schenck, Zane Sjoberg, Jon Countess, Ellen Freireich, Thomas Englerth, Dave Meckley, Donald Bishop, William Mader, and Todd Langheine. The committee was charged to develop and investigate the economic and service viability of providing a combined Fire Service, within the following parameters:
YAUFR Inaugural Commissioners

Chartered September 6th, 2007
Pictured from left to right: Don Bishop, George Dvoryak, William Schenck – Chairman, Austin Hunt – Vice Chairman, John Fullmer – Treasurer/Secretary, Thomas Warman and Richard Guyer
In 2008 we formed Pennsylvania’s first ‘Regional Combination Fire Department’, however the process began long before this – and includes a continual improvement process. Some of the milestone steps included:
Continuation of those services provided beyond traditional fire and rescue duties.
Development of recommended Standard Operating Guidelines.
Reducing and/or stabilizing costs while increasing efficiencies in services.
Development of a central administrative and operational structure.
Shared resources and training programs.
Reduction of unnecessary duplication of equipment and services while enhancing cooperative purchasing opportunities.
Preservation and enhancement of the volunteer fire service.
To determine the process, the committee first reviewed the Township Departments.
Spring Garden Township is located in York County and surrounds York City on three sides with a section of the City separating the Township into two parts. The intersection of Interstate 83 and US Route 30 are adjacent to Spring Garden Township. Spring Garden’s geographic area includes 6.7 square miles. The 2000 U.S. Census reflects a township population of 11,974 representing 4,180 households and 2,963 families. Spring Garden Township is a municipal corporation organized under the Pennsylvania First Class Township Code. The five-member Board of Commissioners is responsible for establishing policies of the Township, as well as other legislative responsibilities. The Township Manager oversees all departments of Spring Garden Township.
York Area United Fire and Rescue Stations 892 (Engine 892) and 894 (Engine 894 and Truck 891) are located in Spring Garden Township.
Manchester township is located in the heart of York County, seated north of the City of York. As of the 2018, the resident population was approximately 18,665 over an area of about 16 square miles. The township is govered by a five member Board of Commissioners, and employs a Township Manager who oversees day to day operations. The Township is split down the middle by Interstate 83 which runs north and south.
York Area United Fire and Rescue Station 895 is situated in Manchester Township, and operates Engine 895, Rescue 89, and Truck 892.
Springettsbury Township is centrally located in York County, north and east of York City. It comprises 16.7 square miles of area. Two major traffic arteries traverse Springettsbury, Interstate 83 and U.S. Route 30. The 2010 U.S. Census reflects a population of 26,668. Springettsbury Township has the second largest municipal population in York County, smaller only than York City.
Springettsbury Township is a municipal corporation organized under the Pennsylvania Second Class Township Code. Since 1963, the Township has been governed under the Supervisor – Manager Form of government. The Board of Supervisors includes five members and is responsible for the establishment of the policies of the Township and other legislative responsibilities. A Township Manager, appointed by the Board of Supervisors, is the chief administrative officer of the Township and oversees all departments of the Township.
York Area United Fire and Rescue Stations 891 (Engine 891 and Heaquarters) and 893 (Engine 893) are located in Springettsbury Township.
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The Mission of York Area United Fire and Rescue is to serve the community by providing the highest level of comprehensive and timely emergency services.
YAUFR strives to be a model, world class, fire department. We accomplish this trough our dedication to professionalism, education, training, collaboration, and community involvement. We take pride in supporting the success of all emergency services organizations in our region.