Fire Extinguisher Training

Our department provides hands-on fire extinguisher training to meet the needs of any group or organization.   Our training includes education on the various types of fires, how to extinguish each type of fire, as well as safe and effective use of a fire extinguisher.  At the conclusion of the training all attendees have the ability to put out a propane-based fire in a controlled environment, with the guidance of our staff.   If you are interested in getting more details on this trianing, please reach out to us at or complete the form below!

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The Mission of York Area United Fire and Rescue is to serve the community by providing the highest level of comprehensive and timely emergency services.


YAUFR strives to be a model, world class, fire department. We accomplish this through our dedication to professionalism, education, training, collabration, and community involvement. We take pride in supporting the success of all emergency services organizations in our region.

Copyright 2020 York Area United Fire and Rescue