Fire Prevention and Education

As a Department we recognize the need for public education, and value the opportunity to interact with the residents in our community outside of emergency situations.  The goal of our public education programs are to:

  • Reduce the number of injuries and deaths in our community
  • Prevent the fires that are preventable

  • Minimize damage to homes and property

  • Provide effective fire safety education

  • Keep our community safe!!

To learn more about any of our programs, click the link below:

Fire Extinguisher Training

School Presentations

Youth Safety Camp

Citizen’s Fire Academy


We can create a customized program for any organization, and any purpose.  Please contact us at or fill out the form below for more information.

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York Area United Fire & Rescue

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The Mission of York Area United Fire and Rescue is to serve the community by providing the highest level of comprehensive and timely emergency services.


YAUFR strives to be a model, world class, fire department. We accomplish this through our dedication to professionalism, education, training, collaboration, and community involvement. We take pride in supporting the sucess of all emergency services organizations in our region.