Become A Volunteer

York Area United Fire and Rescue is the First Regional Combination Fire Department in the state of Pennsylvania.  This means that we rely not on our career staff, but volunteers from the community to help us succeed.


If you are interested in helping us, we are always looking for volunteers – and there is a role for everyone!


Firefighting – Our career staff are supplemented by volunteers throughout our five stations.   The volunteer firefighters receive all necessary training and gear free through our affiliated volunteer entities.   This includes training in hazardous materials, vehicle rescue, emergency medical response, structural firefighting, and MORE!


Fire Police – In addition to fighting fires, we have a dedicated group of volunteers who respond to our emergency incidents to assist with controlling traffic and providing our crews a safe area to work in.  The training and equipment necessary to perform these tasks is also provided for free!


Emergency Management – Emergency Management volunteers assist with planning, preparedness, and response to major incidents.  Major incidents, such as severe weather outbreaks, affect one or more municipalities, and quickly overwhelm available resources.  The response to and recovery from these incidents can last for days, weeks, months, or longer.  During the response and recovery phases of major incidents, EMA volunteers work in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to assist responders working in the field.  The EOC is a central location where public safety leaders and decision makers work together in support of incident response and recovery operations.  EOC staff are responsible for the “big picture” of an incident. The EOC can often be a fast-paced environment and needs a variety of people to support operations.  It is the perfect place for someone interesting in volunteering their time during emergency situations but don’t feel comfortable working in potentially dangerous environments often found at emergency scenes.


Do you have a desire to help, but don’t feel that your skills match up to anything we’ve identified above?  We still have other ways you can help your community!  It takes a lot of different skills to manage our department and we can find a role for anyone who wants to serve!


If you are interested in exploring how we can work together, please contact us at, or simply complete the form below and we will reach out to you to schedule a time to chat! To view the steps in the process click here.

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York Area United Fire & Rescue

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The Mission of York Area United Fire and Rescue is to serve the community by providing the highest level of comprehensive and timely emergency services.


YAUFR strives to be a model, world class, fire department. We accomplish this through our dedication to professionalism, education, training, collabration, and community involvement. We take pride in supporting the success of all emergency services organizations in our region.

Copyright 2020 York Area United Fire and Rescue